Solutions for the Future

A planned housing project in Mexico
In order to control the population challenges hilighted in Population Challenges, a few programs could be implemented. These include programs to increase job opportunities at home. This would lower the emigration rate because many of those who are migrating to the United States are men seeking employment. This would also solve the problem of there being far more working age women than men.
    Mexico has a very high birth rate (19 per 1000 people). This could be lowered through programs encouraging birth control. These would include efforts to raise the standard of living, which would allow people to only have two or so children. Also awareness programs about birth control pills and condoms, and female literacy programs.
     Mexico has a very low number of elders. This problem could be solved through programs to support the seniors of Mexico.
     As mentioned in Population Challenges, Mexico has a lack of adequate housing (Bernstein). This problem has already been met with plans to build social housing in many of Mexico's densest urban areas, as seen in this picture on the right .

A Mexican woman learning about birth control